Week of 5/11 - Module 01 Reminders

Hi All!

Hope your week is off to a great start! This week, we're in the middle of Module 01, with a focus on Discovery & Research. Your Team Leads should be reaching out to you to make sure you're scheduled for your first listening session this week -- and you should be working through your Module 01 Activity Guide as a team or individually to help prepare for the interviews and meetings.

A couple important announcements:

  • All future evening workshops will begin at 5:30 pm Pacific Time.

  • If your team decides to proactively schedule other listening sessions with non-New Avenues staff, please be sure to review the best practices for representing the lab here.

    • Please keep this email cc'ed for any outreach you may do so we have visibility!

Finally, we received a note from our lab partner about a great resource that was published by the Children's Bureau Express for National Foster Care Month. It has a wealth of links and resources, but particularly may be of interest to Track D team! You can view this newsletter online here: https://cbexpress.acf.hhs.gov/